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How Do You Treat Burns?

On Behalf of Gierth-Eddy Law Offices, PLLC July 23, 2022

Suffering from a burn injury can create long-term and catastrophic effects for the sufferer. Quick and efficient treatment serves as a crucial component of recovery.

So just how do burn injuries get treated? How do the different levels of severity affect this treatment?

First Degree Burns

Temple Health discusses different degrees of burn severity. Each degree of severity comes with its own type of medical care which ensures the best potential outcome for the health and healing process of the victim.

First-degree burns are the least severe. These burns do not involve blistering and typically just affect the top layer of skin. Though a victim should still seek medical care to ensure the burn is truly first-degree, this is often treatable at home through over-the-counter creams and pain relief treatments.

Second-Degree Burns

Second-degree burns involve two layers of the skin and can involve blistering. At this point, a victim will want to see a doctor regardless of how large the burn is. A second-degree burn classifies as severe injury if it is on the face or takes up more than 3 inches in diameter anywhere else on the body. Typically, treatment involves cool water and/or compresses, along with allowing blisters to heal naturally.

Third-Degree Burns

Third-degree burns make up the most severe category, with a burn of this degree classifying as a critical injury no matter its size or location. Doctors may treat such burns with tissue removal, skin grafts and other serious operations. Immediate medical care is necessary to prevent serious infection from setting in and to salvage as much of the tissue as possible.

Quick attention in all cases can lead to a better outcome for the victim, which is why it is always important to seek medical aid first.