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How Spot Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

On Behalf of Gierth-Eddy Law Offices, PLLC Oct. 25, 2022

We all want what is best for our loved ones that we place in nursing homes, which is why we go through extensive research to ensure the home we choose is right for their needs. Despite our best efforts to find a safe nursing home, it is still possible for our elders to suffer from abuse such as neglect. In fact, as many as two of every three staff members in a home have admitted to performing some level of abuse. To help protect your loved one in a nursing home, here are some common signs of nursing home neglect:

Poor Hygiene Among Residents

you may think it is obvious to recognize that your loved one is suffering from neglect if they are regularly showing uncleaned hair or presenting a strong odor, but there are other signs that the staff in her home are not taking care of their hygiene needs. The next time you visit your loved one, pay close attention to their fingernails and their teeth. If either of appears to be uncanned for some time, it may be the result of staff members cutting corners in the daily needs of the residents.


bruises are often seen as a sign of abuse in a nursing home, but they can also be a sign of neglect. If the nursing home staff are not keeping close enough watch on the residents, it can result in residents wandering unattended and falling down as a result. These falls can result in catastrophic or even fatal injuries in certain residents, so it is important to recognize if the home staff members are protecting our loved ones.

Weight Loss

losing weight is not something that is guaranteed with old age and can be a sign of neglect instead. While a resident may not want to eat one or any of their meals throughout the day, it is still the responsibility of the staff to ensure that everyone is receiving the nutrition they need. If your loved one is rapidly losing weight, it may not be because of a medical reason.

Trust Your Instincts

It is hard for nursing home residents to act in their own defense in a nursing home, it is often up to the family of a resident to put a stop to any form of nursing home abuse. If you spot these signs of neglect, or suspect that your loved one or someone else is suffering in a different way, do not hesitate to take action and protect them.