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Is This a Red Flag of Grantor Manipulation?

People will go to great lengths in order to reap the benefits of a big estate. This can include manipulating or tricking a grantor of a will or estate.

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Are Your Social Media Posts Hurting Your Injury Claim?

When Washingtonians suffer catastrophic injuries in motor vehicle accidents, they are often eligible for substantial financial compensation. This compensation helps with medical bills, lost wages and other accident-related damages.

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What to Do After an Accident with An Uninsured Motorist

Washington State requires all drivers to maintain a minimum standard liability auto insurance. Despite this mandate, a 2021 Insurance Research Council study lists Washington as one of the five states with the highest percentage of uninsured drivers, registering at 21.7%.

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Consider a Funeral Trust in Your Estate Plan

You have a lot on your plate when it comes to estate planning including inheritance decisions and powers of attorney. That all depends on your wishes and the needs of your family.

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Do You Know What Inattentional Blindness Is?

As a driver, you know that it is important to keep your attention on the road at all times. You can do this by eliminating distractions and not engaging in these behaviors while driving, such as refusing to use handheld devices.

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The Psychological Impact of Amputation

A car accident can leave people with catastrophic injuries. In some cases, doctors may need to amputate a limb to ensure a patient’s survival.

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Consider the Average and Unexpected Costs of Your SCI

Spinal cord injuries represent some of the most impacting catastrophic injuries you might sustain. They are a risk in vehicular accidents, falls and even medical or surgical mistakes.

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Should You Have an Advance Directive?

When preparing your estate plan, it is highly likely that you have spent most of your focus on the things that you want taken care of after your death. Of course, this is the primary focus of an estate plan in general and is something you need to take care of.

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What Should You Do if You Suspect Nursing Home Neglect?

The state of Washington extends certain rights to the residents of nursing homes. Among these is the right to safe, clean and comfortable living conditions.

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Washington State Saw Many Serious Accidents in 2021

People like to see forward progress on public safety trends, particularly when it comes to their well-being on the roadways. After all, with advances in safety technology such as anti-lock brocks,

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